Reverend William (Bill) Reid
During the late 70’s Little Boy Productions started working for Lewis Gray and Marvelous Entertainment as the local marketing, advertisement, and promotional representative. In 1982 Little Boy Productions joined Jesse Jackson’s Operation Push/Rainbow Coalition’s National Association of Black Promoters. Little Boy Productions and Marvelous Entertainment moved Black Entertainment events from the “Chitlin Circuit” venues to mainstream city-owned arenas, theaters, and local community buildings around the country. Little Boy Productions, Marvelous Entertainment and Michael Matthews introduce urban gospel stage plays with nationally known recording artists and television sitcom stars to a neglected Urban and Christian theater audience.
It was during this time I received my calling in the late 90’s. I started my ministerial education in 2003 with Crenshaw Christian Center Apostle Fredrick K.C. Price founder and completed bible study program. I continued my ministerial education in 2006 with James Howard Mims Bible Institute completed all study requirements and became ordained and licensed in the state of California. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ unveiled to me Church Outside the Walls Social Justice Entertainment Ministries. To provide service, protest, education, advocacy, and awareness to uninformed individuals, Christians, and non-Christians due to the eerie silence from the church community.
Church Outside the Walls Social Justice Entertainment Ministries founder is a member of Bishop Dr. Kevin D. Barnes Senior Pastor Abyssinian Baptist Church and is very knowledgeable and talented in ministry marketing. Church Outside the Walls Social Justice Entertainment Ministries is a lifetime member of American Fellowship Church and Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Actions Network. Church Outside the Walls Social Justice Entertainment Ministries lifts up people who have the odds consistently stacked up against them and leads the fight for change using its skills and partners to motivate others to do the same.
“Bring our Business to The People.”